
We are an independent distribution registered in the commercial register since 1998, we serve professional customers and educational institutions by creating large functional distributions for desktop use, easy and complete (Based on Debian 1998/2016, Debian or Ubuntu LTS 2017/2023 and from 2024 based only on Debian stable branch). The community version has no ulterior motives, we do not earn money from your personal data or visits to the site and videos. We don't ask you anything and we don't steal anything from you. We are not paid by anyone and we do everything with passion for the pleasure of doing it and sharing it with those who love Linux and really work there. Download and use are completely free, but if you want to support us with a small donation we can continue to distribute a free version. Linux MODICIA O.S. it is a complete multimedia station that will allow you to successfully complete complicated projects with a professional result, whether you are a director, videomaker, musician, graphic designer or photographer. You will be able to carry out all the operations necessary to complete any multimedia task without installing anything. Everything has been selected to run without interruption and without looking for any other program. You can transport Linux MODICIA O.S. on a USB stick and you will be productive in live mode even on hardware you don't own without installing or modifying anything. Create, edit, share everything like videos, images, music, texts and manage your business, keeping business management organized and efficient with the included office programs. A professional operating system, truly complete and free. You will not find duplicate programs or programs that don't work, not even programs that ask you for a subscription, all free and professional, the best of free and supported software. This is Linux MODICIA O.S. A multimedia professional will be able to appreciate the validity of the project.


The video shows 21 active stations with interactive LIM in the computer room of the "Scuola Cattolica Istituto Santa Maria degli Angeli" in Brescia. The primary, secondary, tertiary and high school, with over 500 students. Compatible with MIUR, directives. already used successfully for INVALSI state exams.
As in other institutes: Scuola d'Arte Caravaggio, Istituto Superiore Nazinale Arti Grafiche, Scuola Artistica Multimediale Ballerini, Leonardo Cineasta.


The limitation of Linux MODICIA O.S. it's just your imagination. You will be able to create your own professional multimedia without having to search for or pay for programs that actually work. Videos like this were produced without adding anything to the operating system. You can go further and do better if you want. Now you're free to get creative with Linux.

Fast Processing

The distribution is complete with all the tools necessary for system configuration and management. The themes are consistent in all applications and all the utilities for Bluetooth, wi-fi, disk management, maintenance, desktop applets and everything else needed to have a complete operating system straight away are already installed.

Everything Ready To Produce

Applications are installed and configured with all available plug-ins. Everything is ordered in thematic menus and all languages are available. The best professional programs with constant support and a development team that has never abandoned projects over time.

Real-Time Linux Kernel

For musicians who want to use RTK there is a utility that will allow them to install it with just one click of the mouse, another utility that will also allow them with one click to add themselves to the RTK group to be able to use it. Everything is ready, even the tool for GRUB so you can set it as the boot of the user's choice.

Regular Updates

You will receive regular security and application updates like an Debian distribution, you will not have problems with instability due to incompatibility or lack of libraries. You will get LTS support for 5 years like Debian distributions. A stable system updated and without risk of being abandoned after a year of development.

Complete App Center

A complete App Center with over 1,000 applications divided by category in .deb format. Each application has an example image, an explanation of what it can do, and a user rating. Another great Appimage Center that collects over 1,346 free applications..

Unlimited Storage

Video and Photo professionals need a lot of space to synchronize their work in real time across many PCs. They can do this with a free program that synchronizes any type of file via the cloud without limits on size or bandwidth use. Of course everything is just a mouse click away and ready to use straight away.

Professional Programs only

If you are a professional or an advanced user you will immediately notice that the choice of programs was not made randomly. The installed programs are actually used every day in numerous professional offices by our customers who recommend them. They are not a choice of developers but a choice of professionals.
VIDEO Videomakers, directors, filmmakers. DCP-o-matic, Kdenlive, AviDemux, Curlew, HandBrake, Gnome Subtitler, Natron, Peek, VLC, MediaInfo, Cheese, Brasero..
GRAPHICS Photographers, graphic designers, illustrators. GIMP Shop, Imagination, LibreOffice Draw, PhotoCollage, RawTherapee, Ristretto Imm. View, XnView.
AUDIO Musicians, DJs, composers. QjackCTL, QjackRcd, Audacios, Audacity, EasyTag, Mixxx, Muse, SoundConverter, SoundRecorder, RTK Install, RTK add user.
OFFICE Small Offices, Businesses, Desktops, Schools. Calendar, Document Viewer, Evolution, 3.550 Font extra, LibreOffice Suite, Master PDF Editor Free, Scanner.

This professional video commissioned by the City of Seregno (MB) Italy in 4K UHD format (25fps) and in D.C.P “Digital Cinema Package” format (SMPTE, JPEG 2000, 24 fps, 4096 × 2160~ 1.9:1) for diffusion in cinemas with AC3 audio In 7 languages AND subtitles in 33 different languages, it was edited and created exclusively using the programs installed in Linux MODICIA O.S.

Some articles that talk about us.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Some brief information about the operating system
Producer: Modicia Company / Modicia Project (ISO of the volunteer community). Headquarters: Monza, Italy First commercial release 1998, community release 2018. Employees: 8 and 4 external volunteers for the free release of the ISO community. System based: Linux Debian stable x86_64. Packages: deb and appimage. Installed packages: 2,487. Kernel: Desktop environment: Cinnamon 5.6.8, reconfigured and optimized by MODICIA. Theme: King Agiulfo (Linux MODICIA O.S. exclusives). Icons: Queen Margherita (Linux MODICIA O.S. exclusives). Terminal: Gnome. Fonts: over 2,500. Wine 9 setting for 32 and 64 bit with all accessories. Unlimited private cloud service of space or bandwidth usage pre-installed. Preset immediate installation of the Real Time Kernel. GRUB preset for RTK installation and boot. Over 55 exclusive Linux utilities and scripts MODICIA O.S. Many other settings, improvements, features, unique implementations and reconfigurations you will discover as you use the system. Linux becomes easy and beautiful with MODICIA O.S.

What differentiates MODICIA O.S. from other distros?

The programs inserted are not a choice of the programmers, the programmers only take care of the implementation, our multimedia professional clients decide which programs will be implemented in the operating system. A photographic studio, with Linux MODICIA O.S. is able to package a finished product without adding anything to the operating system. A real example ? The video "A Beautiful Day" was created with these programs included:  the images were cataloged with XnView MP and then developed with RawTherapee, then the effects were applied with GIMP. With Imagination the first video with transitions was created by exporting it in RAW without compression, subsequently with Kdenlive the audio (optimized with Audacity) and the lyrics were added, always exporting in losses format. The final film was processed with HandBrake, for the web and hardware media in HEVC+AAC, while for cinema distribution it was converted and exported with DCP-o-matic in JPEG 2000+ Surround 5.1 format.

A real example: "A Beautiful Day" (4K UHD Link)

What kind of packages does it use?

The .DEB format with the original Debian repository, so as to always be compatible with all programs created for Debian-based distributions and not have problems with missing libraries. The .DEB format doesn't fill your computer with dummy partitions or MBs of useless libraries, and you'll find all the programs you need even outside the App Store. You can also use the .Appimage format which does not alter or install anything on your disk and is complete with everything to do whatever you want. If you want to search for your .Apimage program, just search the integrated App store, you will find 1,346 applications sorted by category. You will only have to choose which one to use, without altering the file system.

How do I find the program I've always used?

The App Store is stocked with all the applications available for Linux, furthermore the distribution is able to immediately launch any .Appimage application available online. On the sites of both free and proprietary software developers you will almost always find a .DEB package for Debian and derivatives versions or an updated .App image of your favorite application. Just download and install it with gDebi package manager, it will take care of downloading and installing all the dependencies. While for .Appimage packages it will be enough to give execution permissions and they will start with a single click.

What if I need assistance?

Being based on Debian Stable you will find all the tutorials and help you need in every Debian guide or blog. However, for professionals or for those who wish, the direct assistance provided by the Modicia Company is available to solve any problem in real time and continue production. Upon request we can provide highly customized implementations with annual technical support via subscription. We are a real company with 8 employees registered in the business register as software developers since 1998. Since 2018 we have decided to release our distribution for free thanks to the free commitment of 4 community members. You will be sure that the distribution will not be abandoned shortly thereafter as often happens with Linux.

Why do you say it contains professional programs?

We and our multimedia customers personally use all installed programs. They must produce without errors or crashes. In addition to being the most advanced for Linux, they are also always up to date and have never been abandoned by developers. Whatever other program you are used to using, you can install it directly with one click from one of the App Stores integrated into the distribution. We rely on the advice of our professional clients and art institutes who use Linux MODICIA O.S. for teaching, from childhood to professional schools. You will only find what is truly useful, if you use Linux as your only operating system. A selection that allows you to have the best, already installed, configured with all the plugins and definitely working.

Download ISO/MD5
Download MODICIA O.S.

The extra menus of the commercial version.

Download MODICIA O.S.
Linux MODICIA O.S. the professional commercial version updated every month with new features and known bug fixes is supported by Modicia Company. Contains a custom menu with 55 other unique applications and tools for office: RTK install, RTK Add User And Group, Install WineHQ, Configure Wine HQ, Install over 2.500 font, ResilioSync add folder, ResilioSync file R-W, Master PDF Editor, Voice Notepad, Update All, AI search &  AI chatbot, Appimage Hub, Paid direct assistance, Remote Support, Contact Assistance, Royalty Free Video Search, and many others. The commercial ISO download includes 12 technical support emails valid for one year.


  • Linux (kernel) 6.11.5+bpo

Download MODICIA O.S.
Linux MODICIA O.S. Professional (based on Debian),

is supported by the Modicia Project community and can be downloaded for free.

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